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I Know Primes

What is the ratio of the number of composite integers to the number of prime integers in the interval [1,10]?

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Describe the Data

Given the following data, which of the following terms best describes the data?

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Intelligent Doodles

A friend of yours draws a circle circumscribing a regular octagon. What is the ratio of the area of the octagon to the circle?

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Population Growth

Which of the following would be best to use for population growth with known upper limit?

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Effectiveness of Hand Wash

Bacteria such as V. cholerae are known to follow an exponential growth curve rate, and will double their number every 15 minutes. Fortunately, anti-bacterial hand wash can kill 99.9% of bacteria on a surface. If a colony of 500 V. cholerae cells are left alone for 2 hours, then anti-bacterial handwash is applied thoroughly, how many bacterial cells are left?

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Bocce Ball

There are 5 white, 7 red and 8 black balls in a box. If you are blindly picking up balls from the box, what is the minimum number of balls you need to take out of the box to ensure that you have at least 2 balls of the same color?

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Length of the Hypotenuse

If the area and perimeter of a right triangle are 30 cm2 and 30 cm, respectively, what is the length of the hypotenuse (the side opposite the right angle)?

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Perimeter of a Square

What is the maximum perimeter of a square that can fit inside a circle of radius 5 cm?

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Grading Policies

In a certain course, the Professor has two different grading policies, from which he picks the best. The first policy is to put 40% and 60% weights, respectively, on the midterm and final exams. Under the second grading policy, these weights are 50% each. A student has scored 85% on the midterm, and needs to score at least x% on the final to make a B (a total of 82%). What is the value of x?

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Smallest Variance

Which of the following data sets contains the smallest variance?

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